- 流れ[時流{じりゅう}?時代{じだい}の潮流{ちょうりゅう}?時流{じりゅう}?時勢{じせい}?時の勢い?大勢{おおぜい}?世間{せけん}の風潮{ふうちょう}]に逆らう[逆行{ぎゃっこう}する]、逆コースを行く
You are swimming [going, running] against the tide [current] (of the times) if you do not follow his rules. 彼のルールに従わないのなら、それ+もっと...
go against the current of the times 意味
- "go against political trends for reform" 意味
- "go against principle" 意味
- "go against society's norm" 意味
- "go against the current" 意味
- "go against the current (of the times" 意味
- "go against the efforts of the international community towards" 意味
- "go against the facts" 意味
- "go against the flow" 意味
- "go against the global trend away from nukes" 意味
- "go against the current" 意味
- "go against the current (of the times" 意味
- "go against the efforts of the international community towards" 意味
- "go against the facts" 意味